Various Job offers of teaching vacancies for Applicants with Ao in Education and A1 from IPRCs at Rwanda TVET Board( Deadline :Apr 11, 2023)
1,English and Kiswahili teachers
Job description
• Communicate effectively at workplace
• Communicate simply using English or
• Kiswahili in familiar situation
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in English and Kiswahili with Education
- 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Kiswahili and English
- 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in English and Kiswahili with Education0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Kiswahili and English0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in English and Kiswahili with Education0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Kiswahili and English0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
2.Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili teachers
Job description
• Communicate effectively at workplace
• Communicate simply using Kinyarwanda or
• Kiswahili in familiar situation
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili with Education
- 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda
- 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
3.Kinyarwanda and French teachers
Job descriptions
Communicate effectively at workplace
• Communicate simply using Kinyarwanda
or French in familiar situation
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in French and Kinyarwanda with Education
- 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Kinyarwanda and French
- 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
4.French and Kiswahili teachers
Job discription
• Communicate effectively at workplace
• Communicate simply using French or
• Kiswahili in familiar situation
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in French and Kiswahili with Education
- 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Kiswahili and French
- 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
6. Mathematics and Physics teachers
Job discription
• Apply Algebra and Trigonometry Apply
• general physics
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree Mathematics and physics with education
- 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Client/citizen focus
- Professionalism
- Commitment to continuous learning
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