TVET: The Workshop on the establishment of 30 TVET Centres of Excellence.18.01.2023


To day at Kigali Marriott Hotel: The Workshop on the establishment of 30 TVET Centres of Excellence. The workshop brought together representatives from different institutions, provinces Executive Secretaries and Vice Mayors in Charge of Socials affairs.

In her opening remarks, Hon. Minister of state in charge of ICT & TVET

@ClaudetteIrere said that the aim of the workshop is to introduce the project expectations and discuss the objectives and operational strategies for the future of the TVET Centres of Excellence.

Presenting about the project scope and background, DG RTB


said that TVET Centres of Excellence will serve as role model for the rest of the schools in Districts in different aspects that include but not limited to modern Training Facilities and Quality TVET delivery.

He added that, the workshop is an opportunity for different stakeholders to sit together, and identify programs that will be thought in these TVET Centres of Excellence based on District Economic Potentialities and their alignments to the “Skills For the Future”.


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