Various Job Offers at RWANDA EDUCATION BOARD (REB) (Deadline: Dec 20, 2022)


Various Job Offers at RWANDA EDUCATION BOARD (REB) (Deadline: Dec 20, 2022)

1.Home Science Training Officer

Job Description

To Design, develop, produce teacher training materials in Home Science and Agriculture;
-To experiment on teacher training materials developed and produced in Home Science and Agriculture;

  • To design facilitator guide and other training materials
  • To ensure follow up and evaluation of school based in Home Science and Agriculture;
  • To take active participation in researches aimed at improving the quality of Home Science and Agriculture teaching
  • Any other assignment given by the hierarchy
  • Accountable to the Director of Teacher Training Unit;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelors Degree in Agricultural Education0 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment to continuous learning
  • Decision making skills
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

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2.Financial Management Specialist

Job Description

A. Supervise budget preparation and its execution

  1. Supervise the preparation of the draft budget;
  2. Monitor the annual operating budgets;
  3. Control budget execution in compliance with the public finance
    rules and procedures;
  4. Make relevant monthly and annual reports of the budget
  5. Prepare periodic cash flow plans;

B. Ensure timely Payments for goods and services:

  1. Check conformity and accuracy of payments requests;
  2. Ensure proper disbursement of funds is supported by
    appropriate vouchers;
  3. Ensure the establishment and maintenance of appropriate
    Cash Book and General Ledger to Record Revenue and
    Expenditure operations;
  4. Ensure proper preparation of bank reconciliation statements at the
    end of each month;

C. Pre-Audit preparation:

  1. Ensure proper documentation to support vouchers, including
    authorization according to regulations;
  2. Ensure adherence to the raised during the previous financial year.
  3. Carry out all activities pertaining to Finance and reporting to the DM-CS ;

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Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level /ACCA Foundation Level (Completion of ACCA Applied Skills papers)3 Years of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Finance with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level /ACCA Foundation Level (Completion of ACCA Applied Skills papers)3 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Accounting with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level /ACCA Foundation Level (Completion of ACCA Applied Skills papers)1 Year of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Finance with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment to continuous learning


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3.Physics and Mathematics Teacher Training Officer

Job Description

  • Administer training and staff development programs for science and Math teachers,
  • Design teacher development and training programs and materials for sciences and mathematics subjects and train teachers,
  • Develop science teacher training strategies and work plans,
  • Ensure activities for in-service training in science and mathematics subjects undertaken by different providers are complementary and mutually supportive,
  • Design and implement monitoring and evaluation exercise for science teacher training activities;
  • Maintain regular communication with district education officers, school heads, science and mathematics inspectors, science curricular developer and teacher training colleges for the purpose of planning, monitoring and troubleshooting;
  • Write and present projects to mobilize funds for science training;
  • Analyze inspectorate reports and other reports on science teaching and suggest appropriate interventions for training related matters;
  • Ensure timely production and submission of all reports and other monitoring data for all science training activities;
  • Carry out periodic science training needs assessment;
  • Evaluate the impact of science training and development activities;
  • Evaluate teacher training materials from districts and schools.
  • Organize science fairs and tournaments for science teachers.
    -Any other assignment given by the hierarchy
  • Accountable to the Director of Teacher Training.
  • Minimum Qualifications
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics with Education0 Year of relevant experience
    • Bachelor’s Degree in physics with Education0 Year of relevant experience
    Competency and Key Technical Skills
    • Integrity
    • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
    • Inclusiveness
    • Accountability
    • Communication
    • Teamwork
    • Client/citizen focus
    • Professionalism
    • Commitment to continuous learning
    • Familiarity with conflicts resolution or arbitration is an added value
    • Decision making skills
    • Leadership skills
    • Digital literacy skills
    • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Apply NOW

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