DAAD Call for Applications 2025 Scholarships for DeKUT MSC of Food Science and Technology
Call for Scholarship Applications – (Admission September, 2025) at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT), Kenya (Master of Science degree in Food Science and Technology) Applications closing date: 21st November, 2024
What are the benefits?
Monthly stipends, payment of tuition fees, research allowances, summer schools and research stays in Germany, and skill trainings
- Application requirements – Eligibility criteria
- must be nationals or permanent residents of a Sub-Saharan African country
- a holder of BSc degree in Food Science and Technology with at least a Second Class Honours (Upper Division); OR a holder of a BSc degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in any related fields (Food Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, Agri-processing, Crop/Animal Production), or equivalent qualification recognized by DeKUT
- clearly demonstrate motivation and strong commitment;
- have thorough knowledge of spoken and written English;
- have generally completed their last university degree not more than 6 years ago at the time of application;
- should generally be: (a) staff member of a public university, (b) or a candidate considered for teaching or research staff recruitment, (c) or from the public sector and/or (d) Alumni of the DAFI-programme;
- Female applicants, refugees with recognized refugee status and candidates from other less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to participate in the programme.
2.0. Application procedure
Application for the scholarship involves 2 critical separate steps: (i) application for DAAD Scholarship via DAAD portal, and (ii) Application for admission into Dedan Kimathi University of Technology:
Step 1:
(a) Register via DAAD Scholarship portal:
(b) Application for DAAD Scholarship
Applications for the DAAD scholarship have to be submitted via the DAAD portal: https://portal.daad.de/sap/bc/bsp/sap/z_set_cookie/setcookie.htm?fund_ar=stv&id=57707393
Step 2:
Submit the support documents highlighted in the call for applications document found in the link: https://portal.daad.de/sap/bc/bsp/sap/z_set_cookie/setcookie.htm?fund_ar=stv&id=57707393
(c) Application for admission into the MSc Food Science and Technology programme at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Step 3: Download and fill the application form from the below link:
Application form: https://www.dkut.ac.ke/index.php/academics/admission/application-forms
Step 4: Submit the completed DeKUT admission application form and all required supporting documents (see below*) to: graduateschool@dkut.ac.ke ; indicating the email subject line as; YOUR NAME, MSc PROGRAMME APPLIED FOR. Attach both application form and support documents as single merged PDF document WITH YOUR NAME and MSc PROGRAMME AS FILE NAME of the PDF document.
*Required supporting documents:
- Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications (if applicable).
- 1 recommendation letter from university lecturer, also indicating proficiency in English language
- Certified copies of University degree certificates including transcripts (if available, include a grading scale for the final university grade)
- Letter of motivation (1-2 pages)
- Copy of the passport (if applicable), or National Identification Card
- If applicable, information on the UNHCR registration as refugee
- Short research concept for the possible Master thesis (maximum 3 pages). The following sub- sections must be included: Title, background, problem statement, aim/objectives, and methodology NB: ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE SUBJECTED TO PLAGIARISM CHECK
- For In-region applicants only, provision of information on the recognition of the university degree from respective countries at least by the time of admission into the See link for details on recognition application details: (Kenya: Commission for University Education(CUE), https://imis.cue.or.ke/RecognitionAndEquationforQualifications/Guidelines
*Applicants with supporting documents (transcripts, certificates among others) in languages other than English are required to submit copies translated to English language by an accredited language translations provider.
3.0 Webinar series for interested applicants
DAAD plans to offer a virtual webinar series for interested applicants. Please find further information here: https://www.daad-kenya.org/en/online-seminar-schedule/
4.0 Enquiries related to DAAD scholarship
DAAD Contact Person: Charity Tongoi, e-mail: tongoi@daad.de
Websites: https://www.daad.de/incountry-inregion https://static.daad.de/media/daad_de/pdfs_nicht_barrierefrei/im-ausland-studieren-forschen- lehren/_st32_call_for_scholarship_applications_kenya_dekut_ma.pdf
5.0 Enquiries related to general admission and the MSc programme
Contact Person: Prof. Eddy E. Owaga; e-mail: eddy.owaga@dkut.ac.ke or ifbt@dkut.ac.ke
Relevant links for further information:
Information about the programme: https://ifbt.dkut.ac.ke/
Application forms: https://www.dkut.ac.ke/index.php/academics/admission/application-forms Information for international students: https://www.dkut.ac.ke/internationaloffice/international- students/
6.0 Application deadline
The deadline for receiving applications is 21st November, 2024 not later than 24:00 hours, East African Time (EAT). Only successful candidates will be contacted after the selection process is complete.
- Expected date for admission of selected students at DeKUT: September, 2025