Five Tips to Use Computer More Efficiently & Save Time


Do you use a computer every single day, but feel like some processes are taking forever, or are inefficient? In the technological world, virtually every action can be improved or optimized. This also applies to everyday work using your PC.

You don’t have to be a trained “IT guy” to know how to save many minutes in your day. That’s why we have some useful tips for you to read and utilize to work effectively from home or from the office.

Five Tips to Make Your Computer Work More Efficient

The first step to significantly boost your work efficiency is getting a good computer that uses up-to-date technology. Out-of-date technology with slow performance is a common “time sink”. If your laptop or desktop computer takes forever to launch apps, and even simple operations take an unnecessarily long time, then you can’t work productively.

However, there is more than just a brand new computer to get you working as efficiently as possible. Take note of these five tips that can make a big difference in your productivity.

1. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Mouses and touchpads are great aids, but using them isn’t always too efficient. Keyboard shortcuts can be a much quicker way to open apps, perform certain tasks or type a special character. They might only save you a second or two at a time, but if you use them regularly, it can be a significant time saver.

Example: Instead of opening a new tab in a web browser using your mouse, you can use the shortcut “Ctrl + N” on Windows (or “command + N” on macOS).

Check out the most useful keyboard shortcuts for the most commonly performed actions.

2. Learn to Type with All 10 Fingers

An excellent way to speed up your workflow is to know how to type more efficiently. The average person can type approximately 35 words per minute, most often using only their index or middle fingers. However, experienced PC users who type with all 10 fingers can manage up to 120 words per minute. Moreover, they also use keyboard shortcuts more naturally.

But what does this mean in practice? If you learn to type with all 10 fingers without the need to look at the keyboard, then you can work up to 3x faster. If you spend one hour per day typing, you can save approximately seven hours of time per month. Making an investment into typing training is definitely worth it.

Tip: Learn the 10-finger typing method using online apps. For example, you can practise at

When you first begin training, you’ll probably type slower than you used to. However, if you persevere and practise regularly, the results will come quickly. Test your progress in typing speed and accuracy.

3. Organize Your Folders

Do you ever find yourself needing to access a file, but you can’t find it quickly, and then it takes you several minutes of searching through your folders? Avoid this problem by making sure your PC storage is well organised.

Create and name your folders to reflect their content. Whenever you create a file, save it in the relevant folder. Likewise, name your files in a concise and structured way. Once you build this habit, it will save you a lot of time.

To keep your most frequently used folders on hand, pin them to your Quick Access Toolbar (in Windows).

Tip: You can also use the Search box in the Taskbar, or File Explorer, to quickly find a folder or file.

4. Use Efficient Apps

What might take you 10 minutes in one app could be done in a few seconds with a single click using another. Try auditing which processes take the most time when you’re using your computer. Make a list of the apps and software that you use most.

Then search online to find whether there are any better alternatives to the software that you use. In many cases, consider getting paid software. This does require some investment upfront, but it can be recouped quite quickly in the time saved.

5. Make the Most of Your Screen Size

Learn how to use the entire screen area of your laptop or desktop computer. This makes it easier to use multiple apps at once without having to laboriously switch between multiple tabs. If you must run multiple software tools at once, then you might invest in a second monitor.


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