HEC: What do Quality Assurance, Quality enhancement and Quality management system mean?


Definitions relating to quality assurance
Quality Assurance: This refers to all the systems, resources and information devoted to the maintaining and improvement of standards and quality. It covers teaching and learning opportunities, student support services, research and consultancy and community service.

Quality Enhancement: The policies, procedures and practices designed to improve the quality of provision.

Quality Management System: The combination of process used to ensure that quality and standards are maintained and improved.

Quality Transformation: Quality transformation is the process of transforming higher education in Rwanda so that it is fit for purpose, and produces graduates, research and consultancy that is internationally credible.

Quality guidelines
All guidelines on how to obtain quality education are found in the Rwandan National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
The Framework sets out the higher education awards available in Rwanda, the credit required for each award and the main achievements and attributes of the major qualification titles.

Please download documents

Guidelines for undertaking a self-evaluation

Higher education institutional infrastructure and academic standards

Qualification framework and code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in Higher Education


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