More than 30 Job Vacancies for applicants with supportive documents at The Pentecostal Church of Rwanda-ADEPR Deadline:Jan 15,2024


More than 30 Job Vacancies for applicants with supportive documents at The Pentecostal Church of Rwanda-ADEPR

The Pentecostal Church of Rwanda-ADEPR Church is a faith-based organization that was originated in the 1940s in the Gihundwe
Region,lcated in the western part of Rwanda. The church’s Mission revolves aroun spiritual growth and community transformation
through various social and economic activities,including education, healthcare, and poverty reduction.Today,the ADEPR Church
boasts an impressive presence with 3,141 Local Churches and 2,820,813 members across aIl regions of Rwanda,according to the
Population Census of 2022.The church has played a significant role in holistically transforming the Rwandan community

· Our vision
The vision of ADEPR Church is transforming the lives of people in aholistic way through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
. Our mission
1° To preach the Gospel of Jesus-Christ and teach the Word of God according to the Holy Bible;
2° To promote social welfare and good relationships and economic development of beneficiaries focusing on health services,
education and other activities that bring holistic development.
·Our Values
Christ-Centeredness,Love,Stewardship,Accountability,transparency,Integrity and Commitment


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