RP Link to be used by Applicants,Application step and Payment Guidelines to study bachelor of technology programs at Rwanda Polytechnic Academic Year 2023-2024


Application step and Payment Guidelines to study bachelor of technology programs at Rwanda Polytechnic Academic Year 2023-2024 The link for application: https://mis.rp.ac.rw/applications

Application steps

Create an account by clicking on Create an account button above

Select your Nationality

Type your A1 completion year continue

Fill the provided form and submit profile

Pay application fees by using MTN mobile money by dialing *700#

Refresh the application page and click on proceed then fill the application form

Make choices for the college/IPRC and courses you want to offer then submit your application by clicking on submit

Payment Guidelines

Browse pay.schoolgear.rw ==> Write your Registration number

Select RP in the school list then click on SEARCH and make sure that the system brings your name

Click on GENERATE BILLING NUMBER Enter MTN number then click on pay or ISHYURA and complete your payment using MTN MOMOAlternatively

Dial *700# using MTN momo

Write the application code / Regisration number that was sent to you via the email you provided and then yes

Type RP where the system request for school code

Make sure that it matches your names, then confirm and complete registration You can also pay at any cogebank branch by presenting your application code to the cashier/teller