1. Finance and Administration Officers (19 Positions)
Job Description
- Fill in for the Sector’s Executive Secretary while they are away;
- Oversee the Sector’s personnel management, budget execution, and planning processes;
- Create recurring plans for cash flow, fund requests, and organize payments for goods and services operators provide to the sector;
- Check the accuracy of the books of accounts and their filing to make sure they adhere to best standards for public financial management;
- Formally counsel the Sector’s Executive Secretary on any issues involving the use of resources.
- Maintain records of the institution’s annual asset inventories and compute the annual depreciation of fixed assets.
Minimum Requirements
- Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Management, Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Public Finance with 0 Year of relevant experience
- Advanced Diploma in Business Administration, Management, Public Administration, Finance, Accounting, Public Finance with 0 Year of relevant experience
2. Executive Secretary (8 Positions)
Job Description
- Do daily administrative tasks for the cell, observe village governance, and provide reports on it;
- Follow-up on the protection of people and their property in the Cell in cooperation with pertinent organs;
- Coordinating community development and citizen engagement initiatives, educating the community about local policies and programs, and carrying out orders from higher-ups or the Cell Consultative Council;
- Render cell-level services in accordance with the legislation, and receive, resolve, or channel issues impacting residents and give them feedback.
- Serve as the cell-level non-professional bailiff, keep track of all Land Committee actions, and record minutes at Cell Consultative Committee meetings;
- Manage the Cell’s funds and assets while supervising the Cell’s data gathering and fusion on certain public (policy) issues.
Minimum Requirement
- Diploma A2 in Social sciences with 3 Years of relevant experience OR A2 in Arts and Sciences with 3 Years of relevant experience
3. Socio-Economic Development Officers (7 Positions)
Job Description
- Gather and compile information on certain public (policy) issues relating to socioeconomic growth, as well as keep track of death and birth statistics throughout the Cell;
- Determine the Cell level’s needs for socioeconomic development and offer suggestions for appropriate action;
- Create elaborate community work projects under the direction of the Executive Secretary of the Cell;
- Oversee the conduct of activities involving community development and public participation throughout the Cell and create consolidated reports on such activities;
- Prepare paperwork for the Executive Secretary of the Cell to sign, and work with that person to produce the Cell’s performance reports.
- Facilitating the cell’s ability to collect information about employment status
Minimum Requirement
- A2 in Education, A2 in Humanities Sciences, Rural Development OR Agriculture with 0 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Exceptional problem-solving abilities and strong critical thinking abilities.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Citizen/client focus
- Professionalism
- Dedication to lifelong learning