Scratch competition for Primary and Secondary Schools Academic year 2023
Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) introduced the annual Scratch competition in Rwanda to promote digital literacy and programming skills and to prepare future engineers. This activity is in line with the fourth ESSP strategic priority of “Enhanced the use ofInformation and Communication Technolog (ICT) to transform teaching and learning and support the improvement ofquality across all levels ofeducation in Rwanda”. Scratch is an educational tool with a visual programming language that makes it easy for students to create their own interactive stories such as, animations, games, project-based activities, music, and art. It helps young children to learn better, to apply their knowledge, to solve given problems, to reason systematically, and to work collaboratively and to develop essential 21 st century skills.
Within the above context, this fiscal year, the Scratch competition is scheduled to start from 17/04/2022 to 08/06/2022 in Public and Government Aided primary and lower secondary schools. The selection of students at school and Sector level will be done by Sector Education Inspector (SEIs), the Head teachers together with SET subject teachers, ICT Subject teachers and REB Staff based on set and shared criteria. At District level, it is expected that 832 upper primary students from schools with OLPC programme and 416 lower secondary students from schools (one for each sector) which have Smart classrooms will participate in the competition. REB team will monitor the competition activities at School level remotely and will join actively at Sector participating in the supervision and district level participating in the selection panel.
In this regard, I would like to request DDEs, SEIs, DEOs to support schools with computers to participate actively in this Scratch programming competition.
For more information Caritas KANIZIO, OLPC Trainer and Jeannine USABUWERA, Secondary via Tel:0788504337 0788734348 respectively.