21 Job Offers Opportunities  Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) (Deadline:2023-01-10)


21 Job Offers Opportunities  Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) (Deadline:2023-01-10)

1. Urban Road Development Senior Engineer 

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities
The Urban Road Development Senior Engineer is responsible for:
1. Provide technical support during the preparation of terms of reference for the feasibility and final design studies of urban transport projects;
2. Provide written and signed report in regards to the review of feasibility, final design studies and implementation reports (by supervision missions) of urban transport development projects under his direct responsibility;
3. Prepare urban network database including the referencing, inventories (i.e. roads geometric, pavement and assets data, as built data, and rehabilitation or upgrading history and maintenance) and benchmarking;
4. Provide technical support to the review of environmental plans, initial environmental examination/environmental impact assessments for urban transport development projects as required;
5. Provide technical support to land acquisition and preparation of resettlement action plans and follow up their timely implementation as required;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Transport Planning with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Understanding of Government policies implementation
  • Urban planning and design skills
  • Knowledge of urban transportation and urban transport software
  • Knowledge of road design and maintenance manuals
  • Understanding of the national, regional and international contexts of road standards/guidelines and design
  • Knowledge of road safety software’s


2. Transport Asset Management Senior Engineer (2 Positions)

Job description
Duties and Responsibilities
The Transport Asset Management Senior Engineer is responsible for:
1. Managing transport assets to keep them at optimum economical value and serviceability through various interventions including upgrading, rehabilitation and maintenance;
2. Manage the flow and population of the road Asset Management system;
3. Implement the asset management policy decisions involving what ifs;
4. Collect, enter and analyse data for conducted condition survey;
5. Model scenario for interventions and advise institution planning and budgeting;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Understanding of the national, regional and international contexts of transport development
  • Understanding of Government policies implementation
  • Understanding of road conditions for paved and unpaved roads
  • Understanding on road development and maintenance programming
  • Time management skills


3. Railway specialist

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Responsible for all technical aspects of planning and design of rail infrastructure including track, station, bridges, platforms and other infrastructures.
• Supervise the design of an appropriate railway infrastructure as per adopted standards;
• Provide alternative and cost-effective solution for designs of railway infrastructure; and
• Develop guidance for analysing and designing of railway infrastructure considering local terrains and environment.
• Manage surveys and data collection for studies and detailed designs to be carried out efficiently and effectively;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Railway Engineering, Railway Infrastructure Engineering, Railway System, Road & Railway Engineering, Railway Signaling & Telecommunication with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation
  • High analytical, coordination, planning and organizational skills


4. Inland Water Transport Specialist

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities

• Responsible for all technical aspects of planning and design of Inland Water Transport (IWT) infrastructure.
• Provide alternative and cost-effective solution for designs of IWT infrastructure;
• Develop guidance for analysing and designing of IWT infrastructure considering local terrains and environment.
• Manage surveys and data collection for studies and detailed designs to be carried out efficiently and effectively;
• Prepare or initiate the procurement of designs for IWT infrastructure;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences, Sustainable Management of Inland Water Transport with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Understanding of national, regional and international contexts of ports development and inland water public transport
  • Understanding of Government policies and laws implementation;
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation
  • Judgement and decision making skills
  • High analytical, coordination, planning and organizational skills


5. Transport & Trade Facilitation Specialist (2 Positions)

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities
Main tasks will be:
• Support RTDA and the Ministry of Infrastructure to implement new agreements,
• Prepare concept papers/notes on transport and trade facilitation,
• Analyse and edit technical reports on transport and trade facilitation in collaboration with the line ministry and other relevant stakeholders;
• Support projects implementation and management plans including scope, budget, resources, risk and quality for assigned projects;
• Assist the SPIUC in designing, presenting and managing cooperation projects on trade and transport to fulfil the mandate of the Agency,

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Transport Engineering,Urban Planning, Sustainable Urban Planning & Design with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Excellent report writing and presentation skills;
  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation
  • High analytical, coordination, planning and organizational skills


6. Road Rehabilitation specialist (4 Positions)

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Preparing and keeping updated work plans and budgets as well as cash flows guiding implementation at the regional projects level;
• Technical support in preparing terms of reference for the feasibility and final design studies of road rehabilitation projects;
• Provide written and signed report in regards to the review of feasibility, final design studies, implementation reports (by supervision missions) of road projects (2 pages report on average) under his direct responsibility;
• Provide technical support to the review of environmental plans, initial environmental examination/ environmental impact assessments as required;
• Provide technical support to land acquisition and resettlement action plans and follow up timely implementation as required;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Road Safety Management, Real Estate & Construction Management, Real Estate & Construction Management, Building Construction with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Report writing & Presentation Skills
  • Interpersonal and team working skills
  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation


7. HR & Logistics Officer

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities :
• Assess client needs, interpret and apply HR strategy and policies, rules and regulations, approach and contributes to the maintenance of high staff morale;
• Ensures effective human resources management focusing on achievement of the objectives of the projects;
• Conduct capacity assessment and prepare capacity building plans to reinforce staff performance and career development focusing on achievement of the key targets; and
• Facilitate knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the RTDA and beyond focusing on achievements of key objectives.
• Monitor the entire RTDA project recruitment process

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Store Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Time management skills
  • Knowledge of Management of Material Resources
  • Team working Skills


8. Road Construction specialist (2 Positions)

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities
• Preparing and keeping updated work plans and budget as well as cash flows guiding implementation at the regional projects level;
• Technical support in preparing terms of reference for the feasibility and final design studies of road construction projects;
• Provide written and signed report in regards to the review of feasibility, final design studies, implementation reports (by supervision missions) of Road projects (2 pages report on average) under his/her responsibility;
• Provide technical support to the review of environmental plans, initial environmental examination/ environmental impact assessment as required;
• Provide technical support to land acquisition and resettlement action plans and follow up timely implementation as required;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Road Safety Management, Real Estate & Construction Management, Building and Construction Technology with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Report writing & Presentation Skills
  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation
  • High analytical, coordination, planning and organizational skills


9. Feeder roads Development specialist (3 Job Positions)

Job description

Reporting channel: reports to the Feeder Roads Development Program Manager

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Provide technical and management expertise in coordination, harmonization and centralization of construction and maintenance works and technically oversee activities implemented in the districts. This position may require frequent oversight field trips to the districts.
• Assist in preparation and implementation of feeder road strategy, policy and action plans;
• Assist in implementation of Feeder Roads Master Plan and District Feeder Roads Operational Plans;
• Provide technical support to Districts in monitoring feeder roads designs, rehabilitation and maintenance;
• In coordination with the RTDA environmental and social safeguards team, ensure that environmental and social management plans, resettlement action plans are implemented properly.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Building & Construction Engineering,Road Safety Management, Real Estate & Construction Management with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Demonstrated good interpersonal communication skills;
  • Deep understanding on Government policies implementation
  • High analytical, coordination, planning and organizational skills


10. Advisor to DG

Job description

Reporting: Advisor to the Director General reports to the Director General.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Advisor to the Director General is responsible for:
1. Assist the DG in undertaking planning, designing and managing of different road and transport sector development initiatives;
2. Provide regular reports and technical notices, when necessary, on status of physical and financial execution of projects. A particular attention will be drawn to the problems that may hinder the smooth implementation and, preferably through anticipative approach, proposing reliable solutions to the matters;
3. Take responsibility to ensure the institution convey the right communication to the public, privates and government institutions regarding transport sector;
4. Oversee overall monitoring and evaluation on the functioning of the organization structure as the RTDA mandates;
5. Review a wide-range of state of transport infrastructures, current development practices and management as well as institutional constraints in Rwanda in respect to well established best practices of transport development management;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Road Engineering and Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering with 3 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Understanding of national, regional and international contexts of transport development and economics
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
  • Analytical skills;


11. Compliance and Safeguard Program Manager

Job description

Reporting channel: reports to the SPIU Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Lead and coordinate the planning and development of SPIU’s safeguards policies on social and environmental aspects, involuntary resettlement and /or local people,
• Lead and provide operational coordination and specific inputs to development partners funded projects to ensure compliance with safeguards policies during project preparation and implementation,
• Contribute to the evaluation, improvement and dissemination of DP’s safeguards policies,
• Lead and coordinate SPIU Safeguard team’s efforts in providing advice building capacity and advancing the development of safeguards policies within RTDA,
• Work with other RTDA safeguards team to ensure that appropriate resources and capacity are deployed to effectively cover the safeguards policies of projects in preparation and implementation within SPIU,

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental SciencesSocial Science, Development Economics, Applied Social Science
  • 5 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Working under pressure and meet deadlines in an interdisciplinary team
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to think strategically and synthesize complex issues
  • Skills in team building, knowledge management/sharing of best practices and skills, interpersonal relationships, influencing and negotiation skills
  • Knowledge of Management of Material Resources Proven experience with safeguard and compliance policies and procedures


12. Public Transport Inspector

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities
The Public Transport Inspector is responsible for:
1. Planning, promoting, coordinating, managing and inspecting the delivery of public transport infrastructure and services in the country;
2. Collect public transport related data;
3. Elaborate and implement the urban, intercity and rural public transport and management plan in collaboration with stakeholders;
4. Conduct inspection of road and waterways public transport infrastructure and services;
5. Identify new roads in collaboration with local authorities, with public transport needs across the country and advice on the delivery;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Road Engineering & Construction, Building & Construction, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Road Safety Management.

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Risk management skills
  • Digital literacy skills
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
  • Analytical skills;



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